Saturday, November 15, 2008

My bloghopping journey

I went to the BBAW site to choose my first link:

1. I started off with the link "Between Sundays" and read several posts and book reviews that were posted on the site. I left a comment under the post about Barnes and Noble.

2. From there I went to "Confessions of a Blonde Writer", where I found one post about the bloggers choice to "vote positive". I'm hoping she found herself able to vote for someone!

3. I linked to Celine's Dreams and commented on her political post (which was very very similiar to the site #2 that I visited. Not one to read erotic novels I quickly scanned my link choices.

4. My choices for a link were few, and I ended up on the Silver Expressions blog. Outside my comfort zone I scanned the first post and was happy to find several links that would hopefully take me to something more domestic/crafty or simply not based on erotica I left without posting a comment.

5. I link choice was Rusty's Ramblings which I thought would end up a safe bet when I saw the latest post was a Praline Tart recipe. The links available were once again erotica based and so I scanned the posts in hopes of changing my course in content.

6. I ended up at Blogthings-Are you a paranoid schizophrenic . I went through the list and am happy to report I am not a paranoid schizophrenic. Phew!!!

7. From there I went to Blogthings -Newest Quizzes link, and opted for the quiz "What board game are you?" My results

What Board Game Are You?

You Are Chinese Checkers
You live a hyper, fast paced life. You rarely ever slow down.
You are good at juggling many things at once. You are the ultimate multi-tasker.

You enjoy being in a group - in fact the bigger the group, the better.
You are an enthusiastic competitor, and you can be a little ruthless when you play games.

Actually seems pretty correct in that assumption, although I never would have chosen myself as a chinese checker game...I'd be more of a scrabble/pictionary gal..but what the heck.

8. From there I chose the Blogthings: Random Quiz link and it decided to see if I am extremely sensitive. My results;

Your Sensitivity Score: 26%
In general, you don't let your senses overwhelm you.
You're pretty stoic, and you're good at blocking out what's going on around you.
However, you are still sensitive enough to enjoy all the beautiful things in the world!

9. With 2 more links to hit, I'm not finding one to get off this site, which is fine with me. So, my next link was Blogthings-How Redneck are you? where the questions had me laughing out loud. If you are in need of a good laugh, click the link above. My results;

How Redneck Are You?

You Are 5% Redneck
I'll slap you so hard, your clothes will be outta style.
You ain't no redneck - you're all Yankee!

Apparenlty I get 5% because I have actually gone hunting...although I don't know if it counts because I never shot my gun and basically just sat in the truck looking pretty the whole time we were on the mountain.

10. Being the foodie that I am, I decided my last link would be Blogthings What Spice Are you?
My results;

You Are Cayenne Pepper
You are very over the top and a bit overwhelming.
You have a fiery personality, and you can give anyone a good jolt.
You can easily take things up a couple notches, no matter what crowd you're running with.

YIKES...overwhelming...not sure that is a good thing!

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