Saturday, February 21, 2009

Finished Eclipse

Brandon, Tori and I finished Eclipse this week! We confess, we are addicted to the series!!! Although Tori and I can't stand Jacob Black, on the other hand Brandon seems to like the competition and doens't understand why "all the girls can't stand him". On to Breaking is going to be a GREAT weekend!!!!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Finished Letters to my daughter

I finished Letters to my Daughter by Maya Angelou today. I found her views interesting, and loved her stories. My favorites were the one about walking across an oriental rug, and another about drinking cockroaches in her coffee. Having been raised in the Pacific Northwest, I can't relate to any of her stories of the south.

Finished New Moon

Last night I finished New Moon. It is the second book of the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer. Who knew I'd love books about Vampires and Werewolves? I've ordered Eclipse and Breaking Dawn from Amazon. I can't wait!!!