Tuesday, April 1, 2008

The diet begins......

Well, the time has finally come that my 5000 plus calorie days have caught up with me and I'm officially on my first diet...well, not really a diet. More like a calorie counting, start exercising, lifestyle change. After the first week I must say I have a new appreciation for anyone that has had to watch their weight since highschool. It is absolutely NO fun! Matt is on board with me (he is my mandatory diet buddy), but he gets to eat 1000 more calories than I do, so basically I eat in a day what he can eat for lunch. Lucky him!

My friend Stephanie in Seattle is also joining me in the adventure!

Results the first week --- Matt lost 8 pounds, I lost 2!

I found a fun calorie website, you register for free and can track your water intake and calories online. The site is http://www.thedailyplate.com/.

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