This holiday weekend I finished Last Light by Terri Blackstock. A friend recommended the series, and although I enjoyed the storyline, it was definitely a Christian novel with the plot about giving all of your faith to God in every situation.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Finished Catching Fire
On Wednesday I finished "Catching Fire". The sequel to The Hunger Games. Once again, I wasn't disappointed!! Great book, and I'm looking forward to the sequel. Rumor has it online that there will be a movie about The Hunger Games.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Slow Cooker Ham and Potatoes
This afternoon I was searching my pantry for something to make for dinner and came up with enough ingredients to create a great meal!!!! Thought I'd share the recipe since the family LOVED it!!!
Slow Cooker Ham and Potatoes
2 lbs. Frozen Hash browns
2 lbs. Cubed Ham
10 slices thick cut bacon, cooked and diced
1 sweet onion (Walla Walla or Sweet Mayan) diced
2 packages McCormick's dry country style gravy mix
2 cans Cream of Mushroom Soup
2 Cups water
Shredded Cheddar Cheese for topping
Combine hash browns (still frozen), bacon, ham and onion. Pour into a lightly greased slow cooker. In a bowl, mix gravy mix, water, Cream of mushroom soup with whisk. Pour over the top of the potato ham mixture. Cook on High 4 hours, or low 8-10 hours. Serve with shredded cheddar cheese.
Finished The Whistling Season
My book club chose The Whistling Season as the book of the month. Unfortunately I felt the book was boring....nothing exciting...nothing to keep my attention....etc. The teachers in my book club enjoyed it because one of the main characters is a teacher and very successful in his method of teaching. Unfortunately I couldn't relate to him...great guy, lucky to be so knowledgeable...but alas BORING.
Finished reading The Hunger Games
Last week I finished reading "The Hunger Games" by Suzanne Collins. The book is fantastic and is surely going to follow in the Twilight Series footsteps. It follows the story of a country who is divided into "districts" and each year, a boy and girl are each chosen by lottery to compete (til death) in the "Hunger Games". The story isn't focused on gore an violence, but told from the perspective on District 12's member Katniss. Such a great book, I immediately started on the sequel "Catching Fire".
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Crazy for the Storm
On Sunday I finished Crazy for the Storm by Norman Ollestad. I first saw this book at a Starbucks in Downtown Portland and after reading that it was a story about a boy, who at age 11, was the lone survivor of a plane crash, new I wanted to read it.
The book didn't disappoint.....very much a tribute to Norman's father, you get to know the boy and the man, and reason he was able to survive the 9 hour descent down the the mountain in a blizzard on his own. I'd definitely recommend the book.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
My meatloaf recipe!
The gray clouds and wind came in last night and I decided to create a meatloaf recipe!!! Made it, and it was voted the BEST MEATLOAF EVER by the family. Thought I'd share!!!
1 lb. extra lean ground beef
1 package ground pork (about 1 pound)
1 package Italian sausage (about 1 pound)
2 packages ranch salad seasoning
3 cloves of garlic pressed
2 eggs
about 1 1/2 cups Italian bread crumbs
1/2 a sweet onion diced
2 cups shredded cheddar cheese
enough milk to make it moist
Combined all of the above ingredients. Topped with Honey Chipotle BBQ sauce. Made one huge meat loaf that fit in a 13x9 casserole. Baked for 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Columbine by David Cullen
After a month, I finally finished the book "Columbine" by David Cullen. I had a tough time reading this book...part of the reason is because I lived in the school district of Thurston High School in Springfield, Or at the time of the school shooting there. I had friends with children at the high school, and first hand know the fear and anxiety that was faced by parents that day.
With that said, I also know how wrong the media can portray an event. I was home watching CNN when they were announcing "a school shooting on the Oregon coast" --- WHAT???? The coast is over an hour away....
Anyway, Columbine is very interesting. I remember the Columbine shooting.....the coverage about the shooters being bullied by jocks.....about them being part of the "trench coat mafia"....the news coverage of the boy hanging out the window and police getting him down.
The book gives all the facts....everything that actually happened. You get to know the killers on a personal level, how they planned the attack and why, and how the medias new coverage was SO SO wrong.
My husband works with a woman that was a student at Columbine that day. She has told him the story about running to safety and the dead bodies. I would definitely suggest the book to people. Getting the correct information, staying informed is always good. Just be prepared, if you are an empathetic reader....this is a tough one.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
Finished "Home Safe: A novel"
I finished the book "home safe a novel" last night and am glad it is FINALLY over. When I'd rather weed the garden or watch football, that tells you how much the book held my attention. Story was slow going. Love the story line idea, just wasn't anything to keep my interest.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Finished "House and Home"
This weekend I read "House and Home" by Kathleen McCleary. When I started the book I was thrilled that the author used Portland, OR as the location of the story and was very accurate in referring to many of the places we frequent. Loved the first couple of chapters and enjoyed the ending. The middle was a bunch of divorce drama that I found rather boring. Guess I couldn't relate to it at all, so it didn't hold my interest.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Monday, September 7, 2009
The year that follows
This evening I finished the book "The Year That Follows" by Scott Lasser. It is a story about a man in his 80s and how his life is spent after the 9/11 attacks. Very good, easy read (took me a day and a half), about the circle of life.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
Hotel on the corner of bitter and sweet
I finished reading "The Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet" by Jamie Ford this morning and I have to say it is one of the best books I've ever read. The story takes place in the 1940s in Seattle during the Japanese internment. When I read the description of the book on the cover, I didn't think I'd enjoy the book, much, however I learned quickly the cover description doesn't do the book any justice. I don't want to give away anything in the book, but will just say it is a great story of the times, and a wonderful love story as well!
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Another good read.....
I forgot all about reading this book this past month!! Great read, would make a great vacation novel. I really enjoyed it and finished it in just a few short days!!!
It is a slow going month for reading.....
Well, I have to say that July was a slow month for reading. Not only were we on vacation a TON, but I had several books with me that just were not worth finishing. I used to finish each and every book I started, and then decided to adopt my mother-in-law's theory "that there are just TOO many books out there worth reading" and if I can't get into the book by the time I'm 1/3 of the way through, well...let's just say I decide I've given it as much of my spare time as I have available.
The title caught my eye on this one, and some magazine I read raved about how funny this book was. I started it, and well, being as I DO NOT define my life on what I wear (note here...I am fashionably challenged and I'm okay with that) I only made it through the first 5 chapters and called it quits.
Next on my night stand was "Autobiography of a Fat Bride". Well, it sounded funny, but ended up being more like a sad reality story of a low income gal that also lacked brains, so that went back to the library after the first two chapters.
My next attempt was my book club's book selection "The Well and the Mine". I was halfway through the book, when the host changed the date to a day I was going to be on vacation. With that said, and the book depressing and not something I cared to continue reading, back to the library this one went as well.
Resilience by Elizabeth Edwards I finished today while waiting at the dentist's office. It is Elizabeth Edwards latest book about the trials of losing her 16 year old child, her husband's infidelity and her choice to stay with him, her diagnosis of breast cancer, and now her terminal diagnosis. Although I can't say this is a cheery book to read, it definitely shows what a strong woman she is after bearing so many hard life circumstances.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Finished "The Girls from Ames"
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
Saturday, May 30, 2009
Finished "One Thousand White Women"

This month's book club pick was 1000 White Women by Jim Fergus. I loved it, loved the story, got through the depressing/violent parts because they were not graphic, and I really liked the story line. Based on a true incident, when an Indian chief went to a President in the 1800s asking to trade 1000 horses for 1000 white women, so they women would have Indian babies and then be brought into the white world bridging the gap. In reality, the chief was told no, but this book is written as if that actually transpired and is told through a journal kept by "May Dodd".
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Finished "Handle with Care"

I've been a Jodi Picoult fan for years, so when her latest book, "Handle with Care" came out I bumped all my other books aside to read her latest novel. What a disappointment. Depressing, depressing, depressing...then, just when you think she can't add any more depressing situations/scenarios, she comes up with something else to make the novel even more dreadful. Only thing I am happy about, is that I've finished it and can move on to the other books in my pile!
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Finished "Look Me In The Eye"

Last Wednesday I finished the book "Look Me In The Eye" which was a book my book club selected. I enjoyed the book, which is a memoir of a gentleman that was diagnosed in his 40s with Asperger's Syndrome (a high functioning form of autism). It gave great insight into how his VERY LOGICAL thought process works, with NO basis of emotional influence. His lack of understanding why others behave in manners related to emotion is very much do to not being able to relate. I must say I wish I would have read his brother's memoir "Running with Scissors" first, so I could have had an understanding of how dysfunctional his parents were. He mentions in the beginning of the book that his mom is mentally ill -- I was thinking mild. Much later in the books he describes his mom having a conversation with him while smoking, then her eating cigarette butts....I had to change my whole "mentally ill" concept to "institutionally mentally ill". I plan to read his brother's memoir soon!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Finished "The Idiot Girls' Action- Adventure Club"

With two hours to spare while watching baseball practice I finished "The Idiot Girls' Action-Adventure Club". Some of the stories were pretty funny, although, I'm hoping that most were written with extreme sarcasm and her life truly isn't that of a Wal-Mart mentality. I must say I am SO glad I couldn't relate.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Finished "Undress Me in the Temple of Heaven"

Last night I finished "Undress me in the temple of heaven". It is a memoir about 2 gals that decide to travel the world, backpacking. They start off in China in 1986 (when it first opened its borders to Westerners). I thought the book started off pretty slow, and wasn't sure I was going to like it, but halfway through I couldn't put it down, when one of the gals was either with the CIA or going schizophrenic...wasn't sure which. Anyway, lots of great travel stories...note to self, I'll stick with the tourist sites/hotels if I ever visit Asia.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Finished "No Opportunity Wasted"

I finished "NOW" by Phil Keoghan today and loved it. Who new the host of The Amazing Race was such an adventurous guy? The book is filled with stories of his own adventures, along with many others fulfilling their dreams. Each chapter gives you a topic, on different goals to set for yourself, and helps you create a life list of various adventures!
Friday, March 27, 2009
Finished The Book Borrower

It is a day of celebration today because I finally finished "The Book Borrower" by Alice Mattison. This was the selection of my book club and from the description of the book, it sounded interesting. Unfortunately the conversations between the two main characters at first had me believing they were mentally challenged at best. Then there was the issue of "too much information" with their sexual thoughts, comments, activities. Lets just say I couldn't wait to finish the book so I could read something I would enjoy.
Sunday, March 22, 2009
My favorite Mexican Hot Cocoa recipe
I got this recipe from Southern Living Magazine and it is absolutely the best!
Super rich and thick Mexican Hot Cocoa
2 tsp cornstarch
4 cups milk, divided
2 dark chocolate bars (at least 70% cacao) chopped
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
1 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ancho chili powder
1. Whisk together cornstarch and 1/2 cup milk until smooth. Set aside.
2. Cook remaining 3 1/2 cups milk in a large, non aluminum saucepan over medium heat until bubbles appear around edge of saucepan (about 4 minutes, do not boil). Whisk in remaining ingredients (except milk/cornstarch mixture) until well blended and smooth. Whisk in milk/cornstarch mixture.
3. Bring milk mixture to a light boil, whisking frequently (about 4 minutes). Remove from heat. Let cool slightly. (Mixture will thicken as it cools).
Super rich and thick Mexican Hot Cocoa
2 tsp cornstarch
4 cups milk, divided
2 dark chocolate bars (at least 70% cacao) chopped
1/3 cup honey
1 tsp. vanilla extract
Pinch of salt
1 1/4 tsp ground cinnamon
1 tsp ancho chili powder
1. Whisk together cornstarch and 1/2 cup milk until smooth. Set aside.
2. Cook remaining 3 1/2 cups milk in a large, non aluminum saucepan over medium heat until bubbles appear around edge of saucepan (about 4 minutes, do not boil). Whisk in remaining ingredients (except milk/cornstarch mixture) until well blended and smooth. Whisk in milk/cornstarch mixture.
3. Bring milk mixture to a light boil, whisking frequently (about 4 minutes). Remove from heat. Let cool slightly. (Mixture will thicken as it cools).
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Finished I Am Potential
I've been reading this book off and on for the last couple of months and finally finished it today. I pretty much knew everything in the book about Patrick Henry Hughes from interviews in the media and seeing their family on Extreme Home Makeover.
I have to say I was disappointed to see how much of a hidden hero the mother of this family is, and out of the spotlight she seems to be, when she surely has to be picking up a lot of slack due to the attention loving father constantly after his 15 minutes of fame at his son's side. Just my personal point of view.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Finished Queen of the Road

Last night I finished our book club book choice "Queen of the Road". It is a true story of a childless psychiatrist couple that go on the road for a year in an RV and travel the US. I have to say in the first 40 pages, my only thought was "What an egocentric, superficial....." (you get the point) and didn't want to spend any more time with the main character (aka the author). However, once I realized that the author is EXTREMELY sarcastic, and she wasn't being as literal as I thought I truly enjoyed the story. Each chapter starts with a martini/mixed drink recipe, which I definitely intend to try in the future!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
Finished Eclipse

Brandon, Tori and I finished Eclipse this week! We confess, we are addicted to the series!!! Although Tori and I can't stand Jacob Black, on the other hand Brandon seems to like the competition and doens't understand why "all the girls can't stand him". On to Breaking is going to be a GREAT weekend!!!!
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Finished Letters to my daughter

I finished Letters to my Daughter by Maya Angelou today. I found her views interesting, and loved her stories. My favorites were the one about walking across an oriental rug, and another about drinking cockroaches in her coffee. Having been raised in the Pacific Northwest, I can't relate to any of her stories of the south.
Friday, January 23, 2009
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Finished Twilight!

Monday, January 5, 2009
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